Sunday, November 18, 2012

Taking A Look At Writing Groups Versus A Writing Partner

One thing you will hear a lot of as you first get started as a writer is people suggesting that you get involved in some sort of writing group, as they imagine this will benefit you as you as you progress as a writer, growing your skills and your understanding of the craft, but while there are certainly some positives to writing groups, there are also some negatives, and in taking a look at these different attributes of writing groups, you will be better able to decide whether a writing group or a writing partner is the right fit for you.

The great amount of accountability a writing group will give you will be the biggest pro of joining one; one of the toughest things of getting started as a writer is finding the time to write on a consistent, daily basis, but when you need to have a piece to present to your writing group each week, this can help you to be far more motivated.

At the same time, when you are part of a writing group you will also have to deal with the inherent negative of showing new work all the time, and while the time is sometimes "right" for you to show fresh work to other readers - and to have it critiqued by them - there are also times when this is not especially beneficial, particularly early on in any particular piece you are working on.

Being able to develop a relationship with one person whose opinion you respect will be one of the benefits of choosing to go with a writing partner instead of with a writing group, as you will then be able to share your work with them when the work is ready, rather than simply because a schedule tells you it is time to share your work. But of course, with a writing partner, you will need to show self-motivation in order to get your writing done when you are not facing deadlines by which you must show your work - so before you make a commitment to one side or the other as an upstart writer, make sure you are weighing the pros and cons of each side, and are choosing the side that is right for you!

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