Sunday, November 18, 2012

Can I Add A Moorish Idol To My Saltwater Tank?

The moorish idol (frequently called the "toby") is one of the most beautiful fish in the ocean, and is therefore a prize of saltwater enthusiasts the world over; you should make sure you know whether or not the moorish idol will be a good fit for you, however, before you add one to your tank.

The moorish idol is among the most difficult fish to care for in an aquarium, and because of this, it is not a good fish for beginners; unlike hardy fish that are great for beginner saltwater enthusiasts, the moorish idol is highly sensitive to any fluctuations in their water conditions. If you are wanting to add a moorish idol to your own tank, you will need to make sure you have become an expert at keeping the water conditions in your tank completely consistent - and even though this will help your moorish idol survive, it is still no guarantee!


Another reason why the moorish idol is a difficult fish to take care of is because they are extraordinarily picky eaters; in fact, a moorish idol will go without eating rather than eat a food that it does not want to eat, and they are also shy eaters in captivity, which means you need to make sure they are getting their food. If you are going to keep a moorish idol in your tank, you should find out what they have been fed before you purchase them, and you will most likely need to make sure they are provided with live brine shrimp and fresh algae.

A moorish idol should be kept quarantined from your regular tank for a couple weeks after you purchase it; this means that you will need a second functional tank that has identical water to the primary tank, and in this tank you can make sure they are healthy and eating regularly before you put them in with the other fish.

Saltwater Reef Aquariums 101.

Even if you make no mistakes in the care of your moorish idol, it is unlikely that it will live longer than a couple years in captivity - but as long as it is healthy, it will be a worthwhile addition to your tank during this time!

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